Personal Injury
Personal Injury Attorney
The term “personal injury” is used to refer to physical or psychological injuries that are caused by the negligence of another person or entity. This damage can be caused as a result of motor vehicle and trucking accidents, slip and fall accidents, dog bites or animal attack incidents, or as a result of the use of defective products.
In order to file a personal injury claim, it is important to prove that the defendant failed to do what was reasonably required of him in order to prevent the accident. This is an important requirement, and can be the foundation of your personal injury claim.
Broadly, the types of personal injury claims that attorneys come across involve:
According to the auto industry, an average American will file a car accident claim in the United States every 17.9 years. There are approximately ten million accidents in the country every year, and these range from minor fender benders that result in little property damage and no injuries, to devastating accidents that result in catastrophic, life-altering injuries and fatalities.
Most trucking accidents are caused by negligent truck drivers, intoxicated drivers, rogue trucking companies that fail to hire qualified drivers, malfunctioning truck parts or dangerous highways. Whatever the cause of the accident, a truck accident almost always leads to serious injuries to the occupants of a passenger vehicle.
Maryland bus accidents do not occur very often, but when they do they are most likely a result of the neglect of the driver. Whether it is a local Maryland Transit Administration, commercial, charter, tour or school bus, accidents are a serious matter in which passengers can become victims of neglect caused by the driver or the individuals who are supposed to maintain the vehicles.
The number of motorcyclists in the United States has spiked, and the boom has been especially pronounced since gas prices began fluctuating. Motorcyclists may be at risk from drivers who are negligent or even reckless.
Pedestrians feature at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to road safety. Unfortunately, there is very little respect for pedestrian rights, and many cities are simply designed to be friendly to motorists, with little thought to pedestrian requirements. It’s not surprising, then, that pedestrian accident fatalities in the United States have increased.
Laws against distracted driving have been enacted in virtually every state in the country, including in Maryland. However, while these laws have been effective to some degree, we still face an epidemic of mobile phone use while driving. New laws have not helped to prevent the approximately 6,000 fatalities that occur every year in accidents linked directly to an inattentive driver.
Hit and run accidents occur when a pedestrian is struck by a moving vehicle and the driver of the vehicle fails or refuses to stop. These types of accidents are serious crimes. The driver should be punished and the victim, or victim’s family in the event of a fatality, should be compensated.
Every situation is unique. If you have questions about an accident you’ve been involved in, Contact Us.